WMFTS 企业 BioPure receives the keys to its new custom built facility BioPure receives the keys for its custom-built facility at Dunsbury Park 新闻/见解
WMFTS 企业 Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Solutions crowned Most Innovative Pharma Fluid Management Solutions Provider 2021 Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Solutions is delighted to announce it has been named Most... 新闻/见解
WMFTS 企业 Correct pump selection vital for seed treatment applications The correct peristaltic pump selection proves vital for seed treatment applications using... 新闻/见解
WMFTS 企业 WMFTG 在生产技术方面投入逾 400 万欧元,庆祝 Bredel 蠕动软管泵诞生 60 周年 Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Group (WMFTG) 正在庆祝其历史上的一个重要里程碑,通过在荷兰的工厂对新技术进行重大投资,以此来纪念其 Bredel... 新闻/见解
采矿 Emerging lithium extraction sector takes advantage of peristaltic pumps Battery metals will be critical in the future as the world moves towards more environmentally... 新闻/见解
WMFTS 企业 Aflex extends global reach with direct sales and technical support in Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria The Hungary office will take over responsibility for all Aflex sales activities in the region 新闻/见解
WMFTS 企业 Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Solutions wins Best Business Award WMFTS has always strived to be a desirable place to work, and its teams work tirelessly to create... 新闻/见解
制药和生物技术 新型 Flexicon PF7+ 泵提供浪费的关键应用的无菌灌装解决方案 沃森马洛流体技术集团 (WMFTS) 推出新型 Flexicon PF7+ 蠕动分装泵,为重要的无菌最终灌装应用提供无浪费的解决方案,且符合 21 CFR 法规要求。 新闻/见解
WMFTS 企业 Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Solutions responds to market growth with major investments in manufacturing capacity As a result of increased demand due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the company made significant... 新闻/见解
水和污水 Qdos® CWT™ 泵在长寿命化学计量方面取得重大突破 沃森马洛流体技术集团 (WMFTG) 发布了其行业领先的 高性能Qdos 化学计量泵系列产品。Qdos® 传输波技术 (CWT™) 新闻/见解
食品和饮料 Watson-Marlow 扩大了食品饮料业的产品范围,包括食品级软管和 Qdos 系列认证 Maxthane® 泵管单元的推出以及 Qdos 泵获得 FDA 和 EC1935/2004 认证成为事实 – 将进一步促进沃森马洛流体技术集团 (WMFTS) 为食品饮料业提供泵解决方案。 新闻/见解