Watson-Marlow introduces KROHNE flowmeter to safeguard accuracy of fluid flow The KROHNE flowmeter is the first single-use electromagnetic flowmeter on the market.
How do peristaltic pumps work? Learn more about the benefits of using our peristaltic pumps in your process.
530, 630 and 730 pumps are now PROFINET-enabled Industrial Ethernet provides real time process information for enhanced productivity News/Insight
BioPure receives the keys to its new custom built facility BioPure receives the keys for its custom-built facility at Dunsbury Park News/Insight
Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Solutions crowned Most Innovative Pharma Fluid Management Solutions Provider 2021 Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Solutions is delighted to announce it has been named Most... News/Insight
Watson-Marlow announces details of the new US manufacturing facility bringing them closer to customers in the region We are pleased to announce that construction will start in October 2021, on a new... News/Insight
Beyond biologics bottlenecks Novel biologics provide the opportunity to treat a wide range of medical conditions, but they... News/Insight
Leanbio optimises biologics manufacturing with WMFTS pump Leanbio optimises biologics manufacturing with WMFTG pump News/Insight
New Flexicon PF7+ pump provides no-waste solution for critical aseptic filling (WMFTG) launches the new Flexicon PF7+ intuitive peristaltic filling pump to provide a no-waste... News/Insight
Webinar: Accelerating personalized medicine How the pandemic is driving innovation in bioprocessing News/Insight
New article by bioprocessing experts explores the challenge of bottlenecks on biologic production A new article sheds light on how the bioprocessing industry can help accelerate biologics... News/Insight
New Certa Plus sinusoidal pump A best in class, sustainable solution for shear sensitive, viscous pharmaceutical products News/Insight
Quantum for single-use downstream bioprocessing Quantum sets the new standard for high-pressure feed pumps and represents a step-change in pump... News/Insight
Watson-Marlow Supports Excellence in Biopharm Sector Watson-Marlow contributes peristaltic pump and fluid path equipment to a new Biotech training... News/Insight