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Flexicon FP50 enables rapid conversion between batches for ASA Spezialenzyme Flexicon FP50 enables rapid conversion between batches for ASA Spezialenzyme Case Study
Cosmetic company chooses PTFE hoses over silicone to overcome deterioration issues A pharmaceutical manufacturer was looking to replace its silicone hoses in their cosmetic process... Case Study
Aflex Bioflex Ultra solves string of problems for leading supplier to the life sciences industry Bioflex Ultra hose overcame all problems with excellent insulation, flexibility and leak prevention Case Study
Polpharma doubles productivity with 620 pumps Pharmaceuticals manufacturer Polpharma doubles productivity with peristaltic pump technology. Case Study
Watson-Marlow expands offering to food and beverage sector to include food grade tubing and certifications for Qdos range The launch of the Maxthane® pump tubing elements and confirmation of FDA and EC1935/2004... News/Insight
Webinar: Using technology to increase yield in cheese manufacturing Our expert team looks at the practical challenges in choosing the right processing equipment, and... News/Insight
Better business in brewing: Global trends 2020-2025 View our Brewery Report, supported by the International Centre of Brewing Science. News/Insight
Certa Sine pumps maintain high quality cheese curds at Swiss mozzarella producer Certa clear winner in pump tests at Emmi in Switzerland. Case Study
Peristaltic pumps help ice cream maker dose hot sauce with accuracy View full case study on peristaltic pumps for hot sauce dosing. Case Study
New Total Cost of Ownership Calculator Demonstrates Long-term Cost Benefits of Bredel Hose Pumps A TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) calculator offers proof that Bredel hose pumps can save time,... News/Insight
Waste-to-energy plant extends hose life by switching to Bredel NR Transfer hoses Waste-to-energy plant experiences longer hose life and lower maintenance downtime after switching... Case Study
Watson-Marlow flip-top pumpheads used for fragrance filling as part of a custom-built machine from ATS Watson-Marlow flip-top pumpheads pumps ensure accuracy, efficiency and reduced downtime in... Case Study