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New website launches to support ongoing growth Award-winning, global leader in fluid management technology, WMFTS announces the launch of its... News/Insight
Ground-breaking ceremony marks start of £20M investment in high-tech Aflex Hose factory Work has started on a new, high-tech £20M factory for Aflex Hose in Huddersfield. News/Insight
Can pharma meet the challenge by making drugs more efficiently? We collaborated with leading industry experts to discuss different ways in which pharmaceutical... News/Insight
Refining design in partnership Insight from Mark Embury of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Bioprocessing Equipment... News/Insight
WMFTS expert talks about extractables studies on single-use components Sade Mokuolu, Group Product Compliance Manager focuses on how to reduce risk in the produc... News/Insight
Pharmaceutical company reduces product waste when transferring gel with MasoSine Certa Plus 250 process pump transfers gel without damage reducing product waste and process time Case Study
Vaccine manufacturer solves mobile skid clogging problem with Bioflex Ultra In a vaccine manufacturing process, sodium hydroxide is pumped from a mobile skid via suction and... Case Study
Independent, artisan cheesemaker chooses Certa to reduce energy costs Investment has led to better quality of cheese, improved yield and expansion of lines. Case Study
Aflex Hose increases reliability and reduces lifetime costs Aflex hose offers more than 15 times the flex-life of competitor products and greater kink... Case Study
Pumping peanut butter made easy using MasoSine pump View full case study on MasoSine pump for peanut butter manufacturing. Case Study
Polymer metering capabilities advanced with the new Qdos 60 PU pump Polymer metering capabilities advanced with the new Qdos 60 PU pump News/Insight