Watson-Marlow introduces KROHNE flowmeter to safeguard accuracy of fluid flow Watson-Marlow introduces KROHNE flowmeter to safeguard accuracy of fluid flow
Inline valves Our best-selling in-line valve featuring a 180 degree install angle with superior drainability in... Product
In-line valve pneumatic actuators Durable, easy to maintain pneumatic actuators made of a plastic housing and stainless steel... Product
ASEPCONNECT™ Close-coupled connector for connecting flush-mounted valves to tanks or inline pipes. Eliminates... Product
FlexFeed 15/20 Highly flexible solution for filling with no format parts for different vials/bottles up to 78 mm... Product
Certa plus pump Low shear, zero pulsation and self-draining pump certified with EHEDG Type EL Class I and EHEDG... Product
Fill/finish single-use assemblies WMArchitectTM fill/finish single-use assemblies safeguard your therapeutic during the filling... Product
500 series pumpheads High flow single channel pumpheads for flow rates to 3,450 ml/min and 230 rpm. Product
300 series pumpheads Flip top pumpheads for continuous tubing for flow rates to 3 L/min. Extendable up to 6 channels... Product
300MC pumpheads High accuracy microcassettes for manifold tubing for flow rates up to 53 ml/min Product
Pumpsil tubing Platinum-cured silicone tubing with ultra smooth bore and excellent flow stability. -20 ºC to 80... Product
BioValve® variable flow control valve Precision restriction flow controller and shut off valve. Profiled to minimise flow path... Product
EPDM gaskets Achieves a smooth bore, contamination free fluid path under clamping compression. Superior... Product