Watson-Marlow introduces KROHNE flowmeter to safeguard accuracy of fluid flow Watson-Marlow introduces KROHNE flowmeter to safeguard accuracy of fluid flow
FlexFeed 15/20 Highly flexible solution for filling with no format parts for different vials/bottles up to 78 mm... Product
FPC50 Highly flexible aseptic filling system with integrated, full or partial stoppering and capping of... Product
OEM Controllers Control up to 16 filling units. Filling in parallel, serial or individual mode available. Product
Certa plus pump Low shear, zero pulsation and self-draining pump certified with EHEDG Type EL Class I and EHEDG... Product
Fill/finish single-use assemblies WMArchitectTM fill/finish single-use assemblies safeguard your therapeutic during the filling... Product
300MC pumpheads High accuracy microcassettes for manifold tubing for flow rates up to 53 ml/min Product
Gauge Guard USP Class VI and CFR 21 177.2600 compliant gauge guard to stop corrosion without sacrificing... Product
Tangential valves Off-centre outlet for full drainability when installed on the slope of a vessel head. Product
I-Sample valves Designed with through-the-chamber CIP/SIP via 1/4- to 1/2-inch ports, ensuring a truly... Product
In-line valve manual actuators Durable, easy to maintain manual actuators made of a plastic housing and stainless steel... Product
Corroline+ hose Smooth bore hose for chemical and other fluid flow applications where rough usage may occur. Product
Quantum single-use bioprocessing pumps The Quantum 600 single-use pump for downstream bioprocessing applications. Product