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La bomba CWT™ de Qdos® logra una importante mejora en la dosificación de productos químicos con larga vida útil

La bomba CWT™ de Qdos® logra una importante mejora en la dosificación de productos químicos con larga vida útil

  • Un único elemento produce la acción peristáltica, en lugar de una manguera convencional
  • Todas las ventajas de una bomba tradicional, pero con larga vida útil a presiones altas
  • Las aplicaciones de tratamiento de aguas son las primeras beneficiadas en las pruebas iniciales


Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Solutions (WMFTS) presenta el nuevo nivel de rendimiento de su gama líder de bombas para dosificación de productos químicos Qdos. La Tecnología Conveying Wave (CWT™) de Qdos® amplía la capacidad de bombeo peristáltico y ofrece una vida útil más larga que los diseños tradicionales con manguera. CWT™ ofrece también importantes ventajas para las aplicaciones de tratamiento de aguas; los usuarios se beneficiarán de la mejor precisión en las tareas de dosificación de productos químicos y la eliminación de costosos equipos auxiliares.

Las bombas CWT™ de Qdos® logran su acción peristáltica accionando un elemento único de contacto con el fluido que, de hecho, ofrece la misma función básica que la manguera de una bomba convencional. Además de eliminar el bloqueo por vapor, el elemento ofrece un rendimiento estable y confiable incluso cuando hay fluctuaciones de la temperatura y la presión ambiente. Además, el diseño mecánico reforzado logra una alta precisión de manera sistemática a lo largo de toda la vida útil de la bomba.

Mayor vida útil

Para lograr la acción de bombeo peristáltico, el cabezal CWT posee un elemento de monómero de etileno propileno dieno (EPDM, por sus siglas en inglés), en lugar de una manguera, que actúa contra un carril de PEEK. El elemento resultante en contacto con el fluido se somete a niveles muy bajos de estrés, por lo que la bomba CWT de Qdos alcanzará una vida útil considerablemente mayor que una bomba tradicional.

Las bombas CWT de Qdos exhiben una precisión excepcional para la dosificación de productos químicos en aplicaciones de tratamiento de aguas. Las bombas introducen productos químicos –como el hipoclorito de sodio, en los ciclos de postcloración– sin necesidad de excederse en las dosis, logrando así una alta precisión de manera sistemática a lo largo de toda la vida útil de la bomba.

Comentarios positivos de los usuarios

Entre los sitios piloto que pueden dar fe está la Planta de Tratamiento de Aguas San Luis Rey, en Oceanside, California. Esta planta, que recibe, trata y elimina todo el alcantarillado de la ciudad, apuesta por el uso de bombas peristálticas, en lugar de bombas de diafragma, debido a su capacidad para manejar químicos generadores de gas, como el hipoclorito de sodio. La instalación de la bomba CWT de Qdos ha permitido a los ingenieros usar tecnología peristáltica en una aplicación donde los aumentos repentinos de presión y la generación de gas afectaban a las bombas tradicionales. Desde la instalación, la planta de San Luis Rey ha experimentado un importante aumento en la vida útil de bombeo.

Además, el cabezal sellado CWT –que logra un caudal preciso, lineal y repetible– es muy seguro, ya que minimiza la exposición del operario a los productos químicos y permite realizar cambios en menos de un minuto sin usar herramientas. Los usuarios de unidades CWT de Qdos pueden beneficiarse de una mayor seguridad operativa y ambiental gracias a su software de detección de fugas, alarmas de fallas y funciones de recuperación de fluido que evitan desperdicios de químicos.


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Funcionalidad y control

En cuanto a la facilidad de uso, la bomba cuenta con un teclado de alta visibilidad y una pantalla TFT, además de una función de conectividad directa a una serie de sistemas de monitoreo externo.

“Estamos entusiasmados con este lanzamiento", afirma Martin Johnston, director de Desarrollo Comercial Estratégico de WMFTS. “CWT de Qdos es un nuevo nivel de rendimiento en nuestra gama de bombas para dosificación de productos químicos Qdos®, líder de la industria. Nuestro objetivo era diseñar una tecnología que ofreciera todas las ventajas de una bomba tradicional, pero con una vida útil considerablemente mayor que el diseño tradicional con manguera. Los comentarios iniciales de los usuarios indican claramente que la tecnología CWT ayudará a alcanzar la eficacia operativa en una amplia gama de aplicaciones. Esperamos poder presentar sus ventajas a más clientes".

Al igual que todas las bombas de esta línea, el modelo CWT de Qdos está disponible con una serie de variantes que ofrecen distintos niveles de control: desde Manual, Remote y PROFIBUS hasta Universal (control automático y manual) y Universal+ (control automático y manual con entrada y salida configurables de 4-20 mA).

La nueva gama CWT de Qdos ofrece caudales de 0.1 a 500 ml/min. y hasta 9 bar de presión eficaz. El control de caudal es de hasta 5000:1 con una precisión de ±1 %. Para garantizar la aptitud para entornos industriales, la unidad CWT de Qdos cuenta con una carcasa IP66 NEMA 4X. La garantía estándar es de tres años.

Este lanzamiento del modelo CWT de Qdos para dosificación de productos químicos en el sector industrial es solo el comienzo, ya que hay planes de ayudar a que un sinfín de otras aplicaciones disfruten de las ventajas disponibles.


Qdos® Conveying Wave Technology

Qdos® CWTpump delivers major advance in long-life chemical metering

  • Unique element produces peristaltic action instead of conventional tube
  • All the benefits of a traditional pump with long service life at high pressure
  • Water treatment applications among the first to benefit in early trials


Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Solutions (WMFTS) is unveiling the next performance level in its range of industry-leading Qdos chemical metering pumps. Qdos® Conveying Wave Technology (CWT) extends the capabilities of peristaltic pump technology and offers longer service life than traditional tube-based designs. CWT™ also offers important advantages in water treatment applications; users will benefit from superior accuracy in chemical metering and dosing tasks, and the elimination of expensive ancillary equipment.

Qdos® CWT pumps achieve their peristaltic action by operating a unique fluid contact element that, in effect, offers the same basic function as the tube of a conventional peristaltic pump. As well as the elimination of vapour locking, the element delivers stable, reliable performance, even with fluctuations in ambient temperature and pressure. Furthermore, the robust mechanical design provides consistently high accuracy for the life of the pump.

Longer service life

To achieve the peristaltic pumping action, the CWT pumphead incorporates an EPDM element rather than a tube, which acts against a PEEK track. The resulting fluid contact element is subjected to very low stress levels, meaning the Qdos CWT pump will deliver significantly longer service life than a traditional pump.

Qdos CWT pumps offer outstanding chemical dosing accuracy in water treatment applications. The pumps introduce chemicals – including sodium hypochlorite for post-chlorination cycles – without the need to overdose, thus delivering consistently high accuracy for the life of the pump.

Positive user feedback

Among the pilot sites able to provide testimony is the San Luis Rey Water Reclamation Facility in Oceanside, California. The facility, which collects, treats and disposes of all of the city's sewage, favours the use of peristaltic pumps over diaphragm pumps for their ability to handle off gassing chemicals such as sodium hypochlorite. The installation of the Qdos CWT pump has enabled the site’s engineers to use peristaltic technology in an application where pressure spikes and off gassing affected more traditional pump types.  Since installation the San Luis Rey facility has experienced a significant increase in pump life.  

The sealed CWT pumphead – which delivers accurate, linear and repeatable flow – is also highly safe as it minimises operator exposure to chemicals, while changeover is possible in less than a minute without the need for tools. Qdos CWT users can gain from further operational and environmental safety through leak detection software, failure alarms and fluid recovery capabilities that avoid chemical waste.


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Usability and control

From a usability perspective, the pump features a high-visibility keypad and TFT display, along with direct connectivity capability to a range of external monitoring systems.

“This is an exciting launch for us,” says Martin Johnston Strategic Business Development Director at WMFTS. “Qdos CWT is the next level in high performance for our industry leading Qdos® range of chemical metering pumps. Our objective was to design a technology that delivers all the benefits of a traditional pump but with significantly longer service life than traditional tube designs. It’s clear from early user feedback that CWT will help to deliver operational efficiencies to a wide range of users. We look forward to introducing more of our customers to its benefits.”

Like all pumps in the range, the Qdos CWT is available in a number of variants that provide different levels of control, from Manual, Remote and PROFIBUS, through to Universal (automatic and manual control) and Universal+ (automatic and manual control with configurable 4-20mA input and output).

The new Qdos CWT range offers flow rates from 0.1 to 500 ml/min, and up to 9 bar RMS pressure. Flow control is up to 5000:1 with ±1% accuracy. To ensure suitability for industrial environments, the Qdos CWT features an IP66 NEMA 4X rated casing. A three year warranty is standard.

Launching Qdos CWT for chemical metering in the industrial sector marks only the beginning, as plans are already afoot to help a myriad of other applications enjoy the benefits available.


Learn more about Qdos® Conveying Wave Technology

Qdos® CWTpump delivers major advance in long-life chemical metering

  • Unique element produces peristaltic action instead of conventional tube
  • All the benefits of a traditional pump with long service life at high pressure
  • Water treatment applications among the first to benefit in early trials


Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Solutions (WMFTS) is unveiling the next performance level in its range of industry-leading Qdos chemical metering pumps. Qdos® Conveying Wave Technology (CWT) extends the capabilities of peristaltic pump technology and offers longer service life than traditional tube-based designs. CWT™ also offers important advantages in water treatment applications; users will benefit from superior accuracy in chemical metering and dosing tasks, and the elimination of expensive ancillary equipment.

Qdos® CWT pumps achieve their peristaltic action by operating a unique fluid contact element that, in effect, offers the same basic function as the tube of a conventional peristaltic pump. As well as the elimination of vapour locking, the element delivers stable, reliable performance, even with fluctuations in ambient temperature and pressure. Furthermore, the robust mechanical design provides consistently high accuracy for the life of the pump.

Longer service life

To achieve the peristaltic pumping action, the CWT pumphead incorporates an EPDM element rather than a tube, which acts against a PEEK track. The resulting fluid contact element is subjected to very low stress levels, meaning the Qdos CWT pump will deliver significantly longer service life than a traditional pump.

Qdos CWT pumps offer outstanding chemical dosing accuracy in water treatment applications. The pumps introduce chemicals – including sodium hypochlorite for post-chlorination cycles – without the need to overdose, thus delivering consistently high accuracy for the life of the pump.

Positive user feedback

Among the pilot sites able to provide testimony is the San Luis Rey Water Reclamation Facility in Oceanside, California. The facility, which collects, treats and disposes of all of the city's sewage, favours the use of peristaltic pumps over diaphragm pumps for their ability to handle off gassing chemicals such as sodium hypochlorite. The installation of the Qdos CWT pump has enabled the site’s engineers to use peristaltic technology in an application where pressure spikes and off gassing affected more traditional pump types.  Since installation the San Luis Rey facility has experienced a significant increase in pump life.  

The sealed CWT pumphead – which delivers accurate, linear and repeatable flow – is also highly safe as it minimises operator exposure to chemicals, while changeover is possible in less than a minute without the need for tools. Qdos CWT users can gain from further operational and environmental safety through leak detection software, failure alarms and fluid recovery capabilities that avoid chemical waste.


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Usability and control

From a usability perspective, the pump features a high-visibility keypad and TFT display, along with direct connectivity capability to a range of external monitoring systems.

“This is an exciting launch for us,” says Martin Johnston Strategic Business Development Director at WMFTS. “Qdos CWT is the next level in high performance for our industry leading Qdos® range of chemical metering pumps. Our objective was to design a technology that delivers all the benefits of a traditional pump but with significantly longer service life than traditional tube designs. It’s clear from early user feedback that CWT will help to deliver operational efficiencies to a wide range of users. We look forward to introducing more of our customers to its benefits.”

Like all pumps in the range, the Qdos CWT is available in a number of variants that provide different levels of control, from Manual, Remote and PROFIBUS, through to Universal (automatic and manual control) and Universal+ (automatic and manual control with configurable 4-20mA input and output).

The new Qdos CWT range offers flow rates from 0.1 to 500 ml/min, and up to 9 bar RMS pressure. Flow control is up to 5000:1 with ±1% accuracy. To ensure suitability for industrial environments, the Qdos CWT features an IP66 NEMA 4X rated casing. A three year warranty is standard.

Launching Qdos CWT for chemical metering in the industrial sector marks only the beginning, as plans are already afoot to help a myriad of other applications enjoy the benefits available.


Learn more about Qdos® Conveying Wave Technology

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