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On the brink of commercialisation
After 10-20 years in development, many cell and gene therapies are now on the brink of commercialisation. But the challenges of bringing these therapies to market in a safe, efficient, and cost-effective way should not be underestimated.
Join our expert panel as they explore how the industry is using current expertise, barrier technology, single-use pathways and automation to design manufacturing environments to meet these challenges.
Key discussion points include:
- The challenges of commercialising cell and gene therapies
- Key attributes of ATMP platforms for efficient manufacturing
- Developing process design around single-use systems
- Addressing the skills challenge and training requirements
- Case studies and future perspectives
Read more about the challenges of commercialisation for cell and gene therapies/ATMPs
유지보수가 적게 드는 케미컬 도징의 발전
산업 및 유틸리티 현장의 상하수도 시스템을 주의 깊게 관리하는 것은 환경을 준수하고, 직원의 안전을 확보하며, 평판의 훼손과 경제적 손실의 위험을 줄이는 데 필수적입니다. 도징 펌프의 고장이나 일반적인 장비의 유지보수로 인해 중요한 시기에 시스템이 중단되고 작업자들은 중요한 작업을 할 수 없게 될 수도 있습니다.
케미칼 정량이송 분야의 기술과 발전에 대한 업계 전문가 및 엔지니어들의 토론에 참여해보십시오. 더 길어진 서비스 수명을 자랑하는 최신 장비의 실제 적용 사례에 대해 살펴보고, 향후 개발되는 기술을 통해 현재 직면한 수자원 시스템 문제를 어떻게 극복할 수 있는지 알아보십시오.

High performance chemical dosing
Industry experts discuss high performance chemical dosing and how using the right pump technology can reduce your costs.
This webinar looks at the critical process of water treatment in industrial production and explores how best practice in chemical dosing is a key factor in mitigating risks from breaches in health and safety and compliance.
The panel consists of engineering professionals and water treatment specialists from RSE (Ross-shire Engineering) and WMFTS.
Read more about how using the right pump technology can reduce your costs
Choosing the right pump technologies
Our expert panel discusses how choosing the right pumping technologies to make processes more efficient requires an understanding of the complete system. Key discussion points include:
- How different product characteristic suit different pump types
- Where product integrity can be maximised to increase yields and quality
- How manufacturing efficiencies remain the main source of competitive advantage
How choosing the right positive displacement pumps today will save you in the future
Using technology to increase yield in cheese manufacturing
Increasing numbers of dairies are finding a quick return on investment and a boost to bottom-line profitability, by switching technologies for targeted tasks such as cheese curd processing and yoghurt transfer.
Our expert team looks at the practical challenges in choosing the right processing equipment, and the positive results delivered by simple changes to processes that led to increased yield.
Learn more and download our industry report: How to improve production yields in the dairy industry
Accelerating personalized medicine
How the pandemic is driving innovation in bioprocessing
Find out about the challenges of manufacturing personalized medicines and the lessons learned from the pandemic with personalized medicine and vaccine-producer Oxford Biomedica, Franz Ziel and Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Group.
Watch this webinar on demand and download the industry report. Hear from global experts on the bioprocessing challenges of personalized medicines and ATMPs, latest developments in the industry and potential for the future.
Learn more about how the pandemic is driving innovation in bioprocessing