530-sarjan prosessipumput
Virtausnopeudet 3,5 L/min (55 USGPH) ja paine enintään 7 bar (100 psi). Tarkka 2200:1-nopeudenohjausalue.
Pumput – koteloidut pumput
Soita +358 9 348 98 98
WMArchitectTM Kertakäyttöiset nesteensiirtokokoonpanot optimoivat nesteen siirron laitteiston ja prosessivaiheiden välillä.
Asiantuntijatiimimme on suunnitellut ja standardoinut joukon käyttövalmiita, esiasennettuja kokoonpanoja, kaikki eräkohtaisesti jäljitettävillä letkuilla ja komponenteilla. Ne valmistetaan, esikootaan ja pakataan Watson-Marlow’n ISO 14644-1 -standardin mukaisissa luokan 7 puhdastiloissa.
Käyttövalmiissa, esisuunnitelluissa kokoonpanoissa on erilaisia liitäntämahdollisuuksia, ja ne voidaan valita validoitujen komponenttien joukosta.
Vakiomallisissa nesteensiirtokokoonpanoissa on mm.:
Kokoonpanot ovat saatavana 10-6 SAL:n mukaisina, niillä on kahden vuoden säilyvyysaika steriiliyden suhteen ja ne testataan ANSI/AAMI/ISO 11137 Vd:n mukaisestimaks.25 metodologialla.
Sertifiointi ja säädösten noudattaminen | ADCF, ISO10993, USP <788>, USP <85>, USP-luokka VI |
Tekninen tiivistelmä -taulukossa on lueteltu käyttöalueen ominaisuudet. Katso mallikohtaiset tiedot Tekniset tiedot -välilehdeltä.
Nesteensiirto – Letkusarjat | Nesteensiirto – Jatketut kaksois-Y-elementit | Nesteensiirto – Jatketut LoadSure-elementit | |
Sertifiointi ja säädösten noudattaminen | ADCF, ISO10993, USP <788>, USP <85>, USP-luokka VI | ADCF, ISO10993, USP <788>, USP <85>, USP-luokka VI | ADCF, ISO10993, USP <788>, USP <85>, USP-luokka VI |
Letkut | SEBS, Silikoni, Termoplastinen elastomeeri |
Liittimen materiaali | Polykarbonaatti (PC), Polypropeeni, Polysulfone (UDEL 1700), PVDF |
Part Number | Part Name (Description) | Pumps | Pumphead |
33-0913-211112 | Pumpsil Kit - 3.2x1.6mm - .3m long w/TC-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0913-211113 | Pumpsil Kit - 3.2x1.6mm - .3m long w/MPC-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0913-211114 | Pumpsil Kit - 3.2x1.6mm - .3m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0913-211122 | Pumpsil Kit - 6.4x1.6mm - .3m long w/TC-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-0913-211123 | Pumpsil Kit - 6.4x1.6mm - .3m long w/MPC-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-0913-211124 | Pumpsil Kit - 6.4x1.6mm - .3m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-0913-211212 | Pumpsil Kit - 3.2x1.6mm - 1m long w/TC-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0913-211213 | Pumpsil Kit - 3.2x1.6mm - 1m long w/MPC-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0913-211214 | Pumpsil Kit - 3.2x1.6mm - 1m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0913-211222 | Pumpsil Kit - 6.4x1.6mm - 1m long w/TC-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0913-211223 | Pumpsil Kit - 6.4x1.6mm - 1m long w/MPC-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0913-211224 | Pumpsil Kit - 6.4x1.6mm - 1m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0913-211232 | Pumpsil Kit - 9.6x3.2mm - 1m long w/TC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0913-211233 | Pumpsil Kit - 9.6x3.2mm - 1m long w/MPC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0913-211234 | Pumpsil Kit - 9.6x3.2mm - 1m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0913-211242 | Pumpsil Kit - 12.7x3.2mm - 1m long w/TC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0913-211243 | Pumpsil Kit - 12.7x3.2mm - 1m long w/MPC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0913-211244 | Pumpsil Kit - 12.7x3.2mm - 1m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0913-211252 | Pumpsil Kit - 19x4.8mm - 1m long w/TC-NON | 700 Series | 720R |
33-0913-211253 | Pumpsil Kit - 19x4.8mm - 1m long w/MPC-NON | 700 Series | 720R |
33-0913-211254 | Pumpsil Kit - 19x4.8mm - 1m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 700 Series | 720R |
33-0913-211312 | Pumpsil Kit - 3.2x1.6mm - 2.5m long w/TC-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0913-211313 | Pumpsil Kit - 3.2x1.6mm - 2.5m long w/MPC-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0913-211314 | Pumpsil Kit - 3.2x1.6mm - 2.5m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0913-211322 | Pumpsil Kit - 6.4x1.6mm - 2.5m long w/TC-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0913-211323 | Pumpsil Kit - 6.4x1.6mm - 2.5m long w/MPC-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0913-211324 | Pumpsil Kit - 6.4x1.6mm - 2.5m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0913-211332 | Pumpsil Kit - 9.6x3.2mm - 2.5m long w/TC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0913-211333 | Pumpsil Kit - 9.6x3.2mm - 2.5m long w/MPC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0913-211334 | Pumpsil Kit - 9.6x3.2mm - 2.5m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0913-211342 | Pumpsil Kit - 12.7x3.2mm - 2.5m long w/TC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0913-211343 | Pumpsil Kit - 12.7x3.2mm - 2.5m long w/MPC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0913-211344 | Pumpsil Kit - 12.7x3.2mm - 2.5m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0913-211352 | Pumpsil Kit - 19x4.8mm - 2.5m long w/TC-NON | 700 Series | 720R |
33-0913-211353 | Pumpsil Kit - 19x4.8mm - 2.5m long w/MPC-NON | 700 Series | 720R |
33-0913-211354 | Pumpsil Kit - 19x4.8mm - 2.5m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 700 Series | 720R |
33-0913-211432 | Pumpsil Kit - 9.6x3.2mm - 5m long w/TC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0913-211433 | Pumpsil Kit - 9.6x3.2mm - 5m long w/MPC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0913-211434 | Pumpsil Kit - 9.6x3.2mm - 5m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0913-211442 | Pumpsil Kit - 12.7x3.2mm - 5m long w/TC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0913-211443 | Pumpsil Kit - 12.7x3.2mm - 5m long w/MPC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0913-211444 | Pumpsil Kit - 12.7x3.2mm - 5m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0913-211452 | Pumpsil Kit - 19x4.8mm - 5m long w/TC-NON | 700 Series | 720R |
33-0913-211453 | Pumpsil Kit - 19x4.8mm - 5m long w/MPC-NON | 700 Series | 720R |
33-0913-211454 | Pumpsil Kit - 19x4.8mm - 5m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 700 Series | 720R |
33-0933-211113 | Bioprene Kit - 3.2x1.6mm - .3m long w/MPC-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-0933-211114 | Bioprene Kit - 3.2x1.6mm - .3m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-0933-211122 | Bioprene Kit - 6.4x1.6mm - .3m long w/TC-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-0933-211123 | Bioprene Kit - 6.4x1.6mm - .3m long w/MPC-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-0933-211124 | Bioprene Kit - 6.4x1.6mm - .3m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-0933-211213 | Bioprene Kit - 3.2x1.6mm - 1m long w/MPC-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0933-211214 | Bioprene Kit - 3.2x1.6mm - 1m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0933-211222 | Bioprene Kit - 6.4x1.6mm - 1m long w/TC-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0933-211223 | Bioprene Kit - 6.4x1.6mm - 1m long w/MPC-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0933-211224 | Bioprene Kit - 6.4x1.6mm - 1m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0933-211232 | Bioprene Kit - 9.6x3.2mm - 1m long w/TC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0933-211233 | Bioprene Kit - 9.6x3.2mm - 1m long w/MPC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0933-211234 | Bioprene Kit - 9.6x3.2mm - 1m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0933-211242 | Bioprene Kit - 12.7x3.2mm - 1m long w/TC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0933-211243 | Bioprene Kit - 12.7x3.2mm - 1m long w/MPC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0933-211244 | Bioprene Kit - 12.7x3.2mm - 1m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0933-211252 | Bioprene Kit - 19x4.8mm - 1m long w/TC-NON | 700 Series | 720R |
33-0933-211253 | Bioprene Kit - 19x4.8mm - 1m long w/MPC-NON | 700 Series | 720R |
33-0933-211254 | Bioprene Kit - 19x4.8mm - 1m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 700 Series | 720R |
33-0933-211313 | Bioprene Kit - 3.2x1.6mm - 2.5m long w/MPC-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0933-211314 | Bioprene Kit - 3.2x1.6mm - 2.5m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0933-211322 | Bioprene Kit - 6.4x1.6mm - 2.5m long w/TC-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0933-211323 | Bioprene Kit - 6.4x1.6mm - 2.5m long w/MPC-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0933-211324 | Bioprene Kit - 6.4x1.6mm - 2.5m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0933-211332 | Bioprene Kit - 9.6x3.2mm - 2.5m long w/TC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0933-211333 | Bioprene Kit - 9.6x3.2mm - 2.5m long w/MPC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0933-211334 | Bioprene Kit - 9.6x3.2mm - 2.5m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0933-211342 | Bioprene Kit - 12.7x3.2mm - 2.5m long w/TC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0933-211343 | Bioprene Kit - 12.7x3.2mm - 2.5m long w/MPC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0933-211344 | Bioprene Kit - 12.7x3.2mm - 2.5m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0933-211352 | Bioprene Kit - 19x4.8mm - 2.5m long w/TC-NON | 700 Series | 720R |
33-0933-211353 | Bioprene Kit - 19x4.8mm - 2.5m long w/MPC-NON | 700 Series | 720R |
33-0933-211354 | Bioprene Kit - 19x4.8mm - 2.5m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 700 Series | 720R |
33-0933-211432 | Bioprene Kit - 9.6x3.2mm - 5m long w/TC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0933-211433 | Bioprene Kit - 9.6x3.2mm - 5m long w/MPC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0933-211434 | Bioprene Kit - 9.6x3.2mm - 5m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0933-211442 | Bioprene Kit - 12.7x3.2mm - 5m long w/TC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0933-211443 | Bioprene Kit - 12.7x3.2mm - 5m long w/MPC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0933-211444 | Bioprene Kit - 12.7x3.2mm - 5m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0933-211452 | Bioprene Kit - 19x4.8mm - 5m long w/TC-NON | 700 Series | 720R |
33-0933-211453 | Bioprene Kit - 19x4.8mm - 5m long w/MPC-NON | 700 Series | 720R |
33-0933-211454 | Bioprene Kit - 19x4.8mm - 5m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 700 Series | 720R |
33-0942-211112 | Pureweld Kit - 3.2x1.6mm - .3m long w/TC-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-0942-211113 | Pureweld Kit - 3.2x1.6mm - .3m long w/MPC-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-0942-211114 | Pureweld Kit - 3.2x1.6mm - .3m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-0942-211122 | Pureweld Kit - 6.4x1.6mm - .3m long w/TC-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-0942-211123 | Pureweld Kit - 6.4x1.6mm - .3m long w/MPC-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-0942-211124 | Pureweld Kit - 6.4x1.6mm - .3m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-0942-211212 | Pureweld Kit - 3.2x1.6mm - 1m long w/TC-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0942-211213 | Pureweld Kit - 3.2x1.6mm - 1m long w/MPC-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0942-211214 | Pureweld Kit - 3.2x1.6mm - 1m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0942-211222 | Pureweld Kit - 6.4x1.6mm - 1m long w/TC-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0942-211223 | Pureweld Kit - 6.4x1.6mm - 1m long w/MPC-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0942-211224 | Pureweld Kit - 6.4x1.6mm - 1m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0942-211232 | Pureweld Kit - 9.6x3.2mm - 1m long w/TC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0942-211233 | Pureweld Kit - 9.6x3.2mm - 1m long w/MPC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0942-211234 | Pureweld Kit - 9.6x3.2mm - 1m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0942-211242 | Pureweld Kit - 12.7x3.2mm - 1m long w/TC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0942-211243 | Pureweld Kit - 12.7x3.2mm - 1m long w/MPC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0942-211244 | Pureweld Kit - 12.7x3.2mm - 1m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0942-211252 | Pureweld Kit - 19x4.8mm - 1m long w/TC-NON | 700 Series | 720R |
33-0942-211253 | Pureweld Kit - 19x4.8mm - 1m long w/MPC-NON | 700 Series | 720R |
33-0942-211254 | Pureweld Kit - 19x4.8mm - 1m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 700 Series | 720R |
33-0942-211312 | Pureweld Kit - 3.2x1.6mm - 2.5m long w/TC-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0942-211313 | Pureweld Kit - 3.2x1.6mm - 2.5m long w/MPC-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0942-211314 | Pureweld Kit - 3.2x1.6mm - 2.5m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0942-211322 | Pureweld Kit - 6.4x1.6mm - 2.5m long w/TC-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0942-211323 | Pureweld Kit - 6.4x1.6mm - 2.5m long w/MPC-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0942-211324 | Pureweld Kit - 6.4x1.6mm - 2.5m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 500 Series | 520R |
33-0942-211332 | Pureweld Kit - 9.6x3.2mm - 2.5m long w/TC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0942-211333 | Pureweld Kit - 9.6x3.2mm - 2.5m long w/MPC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0942-211334 | Pureweld Kit - 9.6x3.2mm - 2.5m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0942-211342 | Pureweld Kit - 12.7x3.2mm - 2.5m long w/TC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0942-211343 | Pureweld Kit - 12.7x3.2mm - 2.5m long w/MPC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0942-211344 | Pureweld Kit - 12.7x3.2mm - 2.5m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0942-211352 | Pureweld Kit - 19x4.8mm - 2.5m long w/TC-NON | 700 Series | 720R |
33-0942-211353 | Pureweld Kit - 19x4.8mm - 2.5m long w/MPC-NON | 700 Series | 720R |
33-0942-211354 | Pureweld Kit - 19x4.8mm - 2.5m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 700 Series | 720R |
33-0942-211432 | Pureweld Kit - 9.6x3.2mm - 5m long w/TC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0942-211433 | Pureweld Kit - 9.6x3.2mm - 5m long w/MPC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0942-211434 | Pureweld Kit - 9.6x3.2mm - 5m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0942-211442 | Pureweld Kit - 12.7x3.2mm - 5m long w/TC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0942-211443 | Pureweld Kit - 12.7x3.2mm - 5m long w/MPC-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0942-211444 | Pureweld Kit - 12.7x3.2mm - 5m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 600 Series | 620R |
33-0942-211452 | Pureweld Kit - 19x4.8mm - 5m long w/TC-NON | 700 Series | 720R |
33-0942-211453 | Pureweld Kit - 19x4.8mm - 5m long w/MPC-NON | 700 Series | 720R |
33-0942-211454 | Pureweld Kit - 19x4.8mm - 5m long w/Aseptiquik-NON | 700 Series | 720R |
33-BSHP-211214 | Braided Hose Kit-3/8""ID-1m long-TC-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-BSHP-211222 | Braided Hose Kit-3/8""ID-1m long-Aseptiquik-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-BSHP-211224 | Braided Hose Kit-1/2""ID-1m long-TC-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-BSHP-211232 | Braided Hose Kit-1/2""ID-1m long-Aseptiquik-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-BSHP-211234 | Braided Hose Kit-3/4""ID-1m long-TC-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-BSHP-211242 | Braided Hose Kit-3/4""ID-1m long-Aseptiquik-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-BSHP-211244 | Braided Hose Kit-1""ID-1m long-TC-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-BSHP-211312 | Braided Hose Kit-1""ID-1m long-Aseptiquik-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-BSHP-211314 | Braided Hose Kit-3/8""ID-2.5m long-TC-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-BSHP-211322 | Braided Hose Kit-3/8""ID-2.5m long-Aseptiquik-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-BSHP-211324 | Braided Hose Kit-1/2""ID-2.5m long-TC-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-BSHP-211332 | Braided Hose Kit-1/2""ID-2.5m long-Aseptiquik-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-BSHP-211334 | Braided Hose Kit-3/4""ID-2.5m long-TC-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-BSHP-211342 | Braided Hose Kit-3/4""ID-2.5m long-Aseptiquik-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-BSHP-211344 | Braided Hose Kit-1""ID-2.5m long-TC-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-BSHP-211412 | Braided Hose Kit-1""ID-2.5m long-Aseptiquik-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-BSHP-211414 | Braided Hose Kit-3/8""ID-5m long-TC-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-BSHP-211422 | Braided Hose Kit-3/8""ID-5m long-Aseptiquik-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-BSHP-211424 | Braided Hose Kit-1/2""ID-5m long-TC-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-BSHP-211432 | Braided Hose Kit-1/2""ID-5m long-Aseptiquik-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-BSHP-211434 | Braided Hose Kit-3/4""ID-5m long-TC-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-BSHP-211442 | Braided Hose Kit-3/4""ID-5m long-Aseptiquik-NON | Transfer use only | |
33-BSHP-211444 | Braided Hose Kit-1""ID-5m long-TC-NON | Transfer use only |
Standard configurations have been designed based on the most used components. Assemblies listed are non-irradiated. Triclamp fittings are uncapped and standard size. Detailed drawings with bill of materials available upon request. For any modifications to length, fitting size/type or irradiation requirement please contact your local Watson-Marlow representative.
Part Number | Part Name (Description) | Pump | Pump-head |
33-0913-111221 | Pumpsil Y-Element : 3.2x2.4mm-1m ends w/open-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0913-111222 | Pumpsil Y-Element : 3.2x2.4mm -1m ends w/TC-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0913-111223 | Pumpsil Y-Element : 3.2x2.4mm-1m ends w/MPC-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0913-111224 | Pumpsil Y-Element : 3.2x2.4mm-1m ends w/Aseptiquik-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0913-111231 | Pumpsil Y-Element : 4.8x2.4mm-1m ends w/open-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0913-111232 | Pumpsil Y-Element : 4.8x2.4mm-1m ends w/TC-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0913-111233 | Pumpsil Y-Element : 4.8x2.4mm-1m ends w/MPC-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0913-111234 | Pumpsil Y-Element : 4.8x2.4mm-1m ends w/Aseptiquik-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0913-111241 | Pumpsil Y-Element : 6.4x2.4mm-1m ends w/open-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0913-111242 | Pumpsil Y-Element : 6.4x2.4mm-1m ends w/TC-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0913-111243 | Pumpsil Y-Element : 6.4x2.4mm-1m ends w/MPC-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0913-111244 | Pumpsil Y-Element : 6.4x2.4mm-1m ends w/Aseptiquik-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0913-111251 | Pumpsil Y-Element : 8.0x2.4mm-1m ends w/open-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0913-111252 | Pumpsil Y-Element : 8.0x2.4mm-1m ends w/TC-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0913-111253 | Pumpsil Y-Element : 8.0x2.4mm-1m ends w/MPC-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0913-111254 | Pumpsil Y-Element : 8.0x2.4mm-1m ends w/Aseptiquik-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0913-111261 | Pumpsil Y-Element : 9.6x2.4mm-1m ends w/open-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0913-111262 | Pumpsil Y-Element : 9.6x2.4mm-1m ends w/TC-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0913-111263 | Pumpsil Y-Element : 9.6x2.4mm-1m ends w/MPC-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0913-111264 | Pumpsil Y-Element : 9.6x2.4mm-1m ends w/Aseptiquik-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0913-111271 | Pumpsil Y-Element : 8x4mm-1m ends w/open-NON | 600 series | 620L |
33-0913-111272 | Pumpsil Y-Element : 8x4mm-1m ends w/TC-NON | 600 series | 620L |
33-0913-111273 | Pumpsil Y-Element : 8x4mm-1m ends w/MPC-NON | 600 series | 620L |
33-0913-111274 | Pumpsil Y-Element : 8x4mm-1m ends w/Aseptiquik-NON | 600 series | 620L |
33-0933-111221 | Bioprene Y-Element : 3.2x2.4mm-1m ends w/open-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0933-111222 | Bioprene Y-Element : 3.2x2.4mm-1m ends w/TC-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0933-111223 | Bioprene Y-Element : 3.2x2.4mm-1m ends w/MPC-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0933-111224 | Bioprene Y-Element : 3.2x2.4mm-1m ends w/Aseptiquik-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0933-111231 | Bioprene Y-Element : 4.8x2.4mm-1m ends w/open-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0933-111232 | Bioprene Y-Element : 4.8x2.4mm-1m ends w/TC-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0933-111233 | Bioprene Y-Element : 4.8x2.4mm-1m ends w/MPC-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0933-111234 | Bioprene Y-Element : 4.8x2.4mm-1m ends w/Aseptiquik-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0933-111241 | Bioprene Y-Element : 6.4x2.4mm-1m ends w/open-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0933-111242 | Bioprene Y-Element : 6.4x2.4mm-1m ends w/TC-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0933-111243 | Bioprene Y-Element : 6.4x2.4mm-1m ends w/MPC-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0933-111244 | Bioprene Y-Element : 6.4x2.4mm-1m ends w/Aseptiquik-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0933-111261 | Bioprene Y-Element : 9.6x2.4mm-1m ends w/open-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0933-111262 | Bioprene Y-Element : 9.6x2.4mm-1m ends w/TC-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0933-111263 | Bioprene Y-Element : 9.6x2.4mm-1m ends w/MPC-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0933-111264 | Bioprene Y-Element : 9.6x2.4mm-1m ends w/Aseptiquik-NON | 500 series | 505L |
33-0933-111271 | Bioprene Y-Element : 8x4mm-1m ends w/open-NON | 600 series | 620L |
33-0933-111272 | Bioprene Y-Element : 8x4mm-1m ends w/TC-NON | 600 series | 620L |
33-0933-111273 | Bioprene Y-Element : 8x4mm-1m ends w/MPC-NON | 600 series | 620L |
33-0933-111274 | Bioprene Y-Element : 8x4mm-1m ends w/Aseptiquik-NON | 600 series | 620L |
Standard configurations have been designed based on the most used components. Assemblies listed are non-irradiated with 1-meter-long extended ends on each side of the corresponding Double-Y element. Triclamp fittings are uncapped and standard size. Detailed drawings with bill of materials available upon request. For any modifications to length, fitting size/type or irradiation requirement please contact your local Watson-Marlow Representative.
Part Number | Part Name (Description) | Pump | Pump-head |
33-0913-311261 | Pumpsil Loadsure : 12.7mm bore-1m ends w/open-NON | 700 series | 720RE |
33-0913-311262 | Pumpsil Loadsure : 12.7mm bore-1m ends w/TC-NON | 700 series | 720RE |
33-0913-311263 | Pumpsil Loadsure : 12.7mm bore-1m ends w/MPC-NON | 700 series | 720RE |
33-0913-311264 | Pumpsil Loadsure : 12.7mm bore-1m ends w/Aseptiquik-NON | 700 series | 720RE |
33-0913-311281 | Pumpsil Loadsure : 19mm bore-1m ends w/open-NON | 700 series | 720RE |
33-0913-311282 | Pumpsil Loadsure : 19mm bore-1m ends w/TC-NON | 700 series | 720RE |
33-0913-311283 | Pumpsil Loadsure : 19mm bore-1m ends w/MPC-NON | 700 series | 720RE |
33-0913-311284 | Pumpsil Loadsure : 19mm bore-1m ends w/Aseptiquik-NON | 700 series | 720RE |
33-0913-311291 | Pumpsil Loadsure : 25.4mm bore-1m ends w/open-NON | 700 series | 720RE |
33-0913-311292 | Pumpsil Loadsure : 25.4mm bore-1m ends w/TC-NON | 700 series | 720RE |
33-0913-311293 | Pumpsil Loadsure : 25.4mm bore-1m ends w/MPC-NON | 700 series | 720RE |
33-0913-311294 | Pumpsil Loadsure : 25.4mm bore-1m ends w/Aseptiquik-NON | 700 series | 720RE |
33-0933-311281 | Bioprene Loadsure : 19mm bore-1m ends w/open-NON | 700 series | 720RE |
33-0933-311282 | Bioprene Loadsure : 19mm bore-1m ends w/TC-NON | 700 series | 720RE |
33-0933-311283 | Bioprene Loadsure : 19mm bore-1m ends w/MPC-NON | 700 series | 720RE |
33-0933-311284 | Bioprene Loadsure : 19mm bore-1m ends w/Aseptiquik-NON | 700 series | 720RE |
33-0933-311291 | Bioprene Loadsure : 25.4mm bore-1m ends w/open-NON | 700 series | 720RE |
33-0933-311292 | Bioprene Loadsure : 25.4mm bore-1m ends w/TC-NON | 700 series | 720RE |
33-0933-311293 | Bioprene Loadsure : 25.4mm bore-1m ends w/MPC-NON | 700 series | 720RE |
33-0933-311294 | Bioprene Loadsure : 25.4mm bore-1m ends w/Aseptiquik-NON | 700 series | 720RE |
Standard configurations have been designed based on the most used components. Assemblies listed are non-irradiated with 1-meter-long extended ends on each side of the corresponding Loadsure element. Triclamp fittings are uncapped and standard size. Detailed drawings with bill of materials available upon request. For any modifications to length, fitting size/type or irradiation requirement please contact your local Watson-Marlow representative.
Virtausnopeudet 3,5 L/min (55 USGPH) ja paine enintään 7 bar (100 psi). Tarkka 2200:1-nopeudenohjausalue.
Pumput – koteloidut pumput
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Kertakäyttöiset kokoonpanot
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