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Aflex hose changes notification body

Aflex will now use BSI

To ensure that we continue to provide a world class service and ensure that our Flexible Hose Assemblies are manufactured to the highest standard we have changed our notified body for PED (Pressure Equipment Directive) certification.

Please be advised that from the 20th May 2014 the notified body used by Aflex for PED (Pressure Equipment Directive) certification will be BSI.

All references to Zurich Certification Limited will be removed from all documentation.

This has been a necessary change and we believe that the partnership with BSI will provide a greater knowledge and understanding of the requirements of the directive and gives Aflex Hose confidence and you the customer sound evidence of due diligence through the approval of one of the world's most respected testing and certification bodies.

Learn more about Aflex hoses

ce 0086

The CE mark will now be as shown above