Polymer metering capabilities advanced with the new Qdos 60 PU pump Polymer metering capabilities advanced with the new Qdos 60 PU pump
Aflex Hoses perfectly designed for the transfer of delicate fluids at Oril Industrie Aflex Hoses perfectly designed for the transfer of delicate fluids at Oril Industrie
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Waste-to-energy plant extends hose life by switching to Bredel NR Transfer hoses Waste-to-energy plant experiences longer hose life and lower maintenance downtime after switching... Case Study
Watson-Marlow flip-top pumpheads used for fragrance filling as part of a custom-built machine from ATS Watson-Marlow flip-top pumpheads pumps ensure accuracy, efficiency and reduced downtime in... Case Study
Kooptech-Bio relies on Watson-Marlow 313 pumpheads Watson-Marlow 313 pumphead meters concentrated washing and rinsing agents for OEM Kooptech-Bio Case Study
Qdos chemical metering pump runs for over a year at industrial plant Large steel manufacturing company experiences longer pump life since installing Qdos. Case Study
St Eval Candle Company reduces its chemical waste to a minimum by using WMFTS peristaltic pumps Using dispensing and dosing pumps from WMFTS have resulted in less chemical waste for St. Eval Case Study
Paques cuts downtime using Watson-Marlow pumps at biogas plant Paques cuts downtime using Watson-Marlow pumps at biogas plant Case Study
Paint manufacturer cuts maintenance and cleaning costs with Bredel hose pumps A well-known paint manufacturer in Germany is using Bredel hose pumps in the production of its... Case Study
Aflex Hoses perfectly designed for the transfer of delicate fluids at Oril Industrie Aflex Hoses perfectly designed for the transfer of delicate fluids at Oril Industrie Case Study
Piezoelectric ceramics plant installs more than 50 Bredel hose pumps Bredel hose pumps used to transfer the highly abrasive slurries that form the ceramics. Case Study
New online video case study content demonstrates value of ‘precise and accurate’ chemical metering The value of “precise, consistent and accurate pumping” for a UK paper manufacturer is explored... Case Study
Belgium’s largest carpet manufacturer picks Aflex A major carpet manufacturer in Belgium currently uses around 16 2” EPDM rubber hoses on their... Case Study
Could Corroflon hoses eradicate corrosion in chemical transfer? Corroflon hose with Hastelloy helical wire and polypropylene braid, eradicates corrosion issue. Case Study