Transferring abrasive ores
Transfer thickened slurries with concentrations of up to 80%
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Transfer thickened slurries with concentrations of up to 80%
The transfer and handling ores and waste poses a challenge to the environment due to their highly abrasive a harsh chemical characteristics.
The high volumes of water that are used in tailing applications places further environmental and economic pressures on mining operations. Hose pumps use no mechanical seals, eliminating the need for costly seal flush water.
As hose pumps require no mechanical seal flush water, they present a significant advantage over centrifugal pumps that can demand up to 72 litres of water, per minute.
Only the inside of the hose comes into contact with the product. This significantly reduces maintenance downtime; replacing the hose can be performed in-situ, without special tools or skills, in minutes:
Learn how to increase efficiency and productivity in processing precious metals
Read how Harte Gold Corp benefitted by switching to peristaltic pumps for reagent dosing and pumping thickener underflow
Bredel hose pumps deliver step-change improvements to reliability at Brazilian copper mine
Bredel hose pumps used in the Mining sector
Flow rates to 6,200 L/h (27.3 USGPM) and pressures up to 8 bar (116 psi). Optimised for process uptime.
Pumps - hose pumps
Flow rates to 3.5 L/min (55 USGPH) and pressures up to 7 bar (100 psi). Precise 2,200:1 speed control range.
Pumps - cased pumps