• Case Study

Waste-to-energy plant extends hose life by switching to Bredel NR Transfer hoses

  • Abfallverbrennungs- und Biokompost GmbH (AVBKG) reports no problems with Bredel NR (Natural Rubber) Transfer hoses after a year of use 
  • AVBKG uses eight NR Transfer hoses and five Bredel hose pumps at its waste-to-energy plant at Tornesch-Ahrenlohe in Germany
  • AVBKG has significantly reduced maintenance costs since adopting Bredel NR Transfer hoses

How AVBKG's waste-to-energy plant reduced maintenance costs by switching to Bredel NR Transfer hoses

A Germany-based waste management company has achieved cost savings and extended the lifetime of hoses it uses at a waste-to-energy plant by switching to Bredel NR (Natural Rubber) Transfer hoses.

Abfallverbrennungs- und Biokompost GmbH (AVBKG), a division of GAB, manages waste for the district of Pinneberg near Hamburg in Germany. AVBKG operates the waste-to-energy plant at Tornesch-Ahrenlohe where it incinerates around 80,000 tonnes of residual, commercial and bulky waste per year. This allows AVBKG to generate 60,000 MWh/a of heat and 27,000 MWh/a of electricity.
AVBKG previously relied on competitor hoses, which required replacements every three months on average. This prompted AVBKG to change the hoses it uses and purchase eight Bredel NR Transfer hoses, which are engineered for general transfer applications at pressures up to 12 bar (174 psi), as well as ordering another Bredel (40) hose pump.
AVBKG has been using the NR Transfer hoses with lubricant for its existing pumps: five Bredel 40 hose pumps, plus one spare Bredel 40, and a competitor pump. AVBKG began using two NR Transfer hoses in November 2023, and then eight more in April 2024.
Maik Mustroph, head of maintenance and repair at AVBKG/GAB, said: “Among all the hose pumps used, the Bredel pumps are the most popular ones with the maintenance staff in their plant, because it causes the least workload and problems.”

Extended hose lifetime

Bredel hose pumps is the market leader in industrial hose pumps for transferring viscous and abrasive fluids and solids. Bredel peristaltic pumps and hoses are used for a wide range of applications in the mining, industrial, water and wastewater and food and beverage industries.

Nils Fiebig, WMFTS Sales Engineer – Industrial in Germany, said: “AVBKG has been dosing lime milk/lime slurry with Bredel 40 hose pumps for many years. In total there are now five Bredel 40 hose pumps installed but previously the Bredel pumps operated with hoses from a competitor pump company for many years.
“We were able to convert them from using hoses from another company to our Bredel NR Transfer hoses. We sold the first two Bredel NR Transfer hoses in November 2023 to AVBKG and since then the Bredel NR Transfer hoses have been working well.

nr transfer hose

“The hoses from another company had a lifetime of approximately three months as they had to order 16 hoses in 2023. This year the competitor pump and hose company quoted a price for a competitor hose for a lot higher than our NR Transfer hose. I am sure we can outperform the competitor pump and hose company not only in pricing but also our lifetime will be better. AVBKG also tested another hose supplier in 2024 where the hose lasted only three weeks. A year after the first Bredel NR Transfer hose was delivered in November 2023, no NR Transfer hose has failed.”

The Bredel NR Transfer hose can be used for handling sludge with a high solid content, and abrasive slurries. This solution complements the Bredel NR Metering hose, which is designed for heavier duties with pressure capability up to 16 bar (232 psi), already available from Bredel hose pumps. The abrasion-resistant NR Transfer hose is engineered for exceptionally long hose life and optimises the performance of a peristaltic pump. The hose is suitable for water-based liquids, diluted acids and alcohols, lightly corrosive chemicals, and slurries.

Bredel Product Manager Grace Madden said: “This application is a perfect example of the benefits of the Bredel NR Transfer hose. It gives us the opportunity to compete on lifetime and price, ultimately resulting in a better solution for the customer.”

AVBKG uses some of the electricity via GAB’s own grid for its plants, and sells some of the electricity on to the Power Exchange. With its thermal energy, GAB can supply mathematically 4500 households in the region of Pinneberg with hot water.
Some waste incineration plants only generate electricity, and the heat escapes unused into the environment. But with the CHP technology at the innovative AVBKG waste-to-energy plant, the company can almost completely recycle the energy that is in the waste, according to AVBKG.

You can read more about the GAB waste-to-energy plant here: Waste-to-energy plant - GAB – Disposal & Supplier 


Learn more about the NR Transfer hose 

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