- Case Study
Cosmetic company chooses PTFE hoses over silicone to overcome deterioration issues

- Silicone hoses unable to meet application requirements
- PTFE hoses provide outstanding chemical resistance
A well-known pharmaceutical manufacturer was looking to replace its silicone hoses in their cosmetic process dedicated to manufacturing ointments and lotions. Used in their cleaning process the hoses would quickly change colour and deteriorate after a short period of use. The company was looking for a reliable hose to become a part of the cleaning process of equipment on their site and to help with mandatory inspections. Aflex introduced the company to Bioflex Ultra.
The bespoke, tube only PTFE hose solution is designed specifically to replace conventional silicone rubber hoses in pharmaceutical process fluid transfer applications. The silicone rubber hoses did not perform according to the application requirements. The resistance to CIP cleaning chemicals degrades silicone, which has a relatively poor chemical resistance compared to PTFE options. The PTFE hose Aflex provided overcame the issue of discolouration, which helped inspection protocol on-site. Multiple hoses now play a vital role in the visual inspection process, preventing contamination. Aflex were also able to help prevent the deterioration issues originally experienced by the cosmetic company.
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