OEM Controllers
Control up to 16 filling units. Filling in parallel, serial or individual mode available.
Aseptic filling - integrated solutions
Call +91 20671 15600
The Flexicon trolley mounted filling systems are ideal for existing filling lines where piston pumps need to be replaced. Trolley designs are available for 2 to 16 filling stations with a master controller which can either be integrated into the trolley, or mounted on the control panel of the main machine.
Benefit from a fast validation process and obtain optimum capacity with no time-consuming stops due to splashing, foaming or dripping on the bottle track. Costly overfilling and lengthy piston filler cleaning validation are both eliminated so providing further savings.
Control up to 16 filling units. Filling in parallel, serial or individual mode available.
Aseptic filling - integrated solutions
Accuracy of ±0.5 % on most volumes prevents costly overfilling. No foaming, splashing or dripping between fills.
Aseptic filling - integrated solutions
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